Thespian National Honor Society

Club Description:  The Ferguson Thespian National Honor Society is open to all students who attend Ferguson Sr. High and have an interest in any of the multiple aspects of theatre performance and production. Our purpose is to give students an opportunity to participate in county and state-wide activities with other Thespian Troupes. These activities range from our own school productions to competitions, workshops, community service, and festivals. The Thespian Honor Society runs on a point system, where points are awarded for continued involvement in the Arts. Eventually students who earn 10 points are inducted into the International Thespians Society. This society is an educational honorary theater organization that honors high school students for outstanding work in theatre. Apart from competitions, Thespians also offers opportunities for college auditions, formal awards, and scholarships. In the end, the Thespian Honor Society really serves as a venue to connect  all students interested in theatre; thus, in turn, creating a close-knit troupe working together toward common goals. 
Requirements: Participation in Drama Program
Club Sponsor: Ms. Tabitha Sanabria
Location: Room 510  or Zoom                              Meetings: Every other Thursday at 2:30-3:00
Contact Info:
Remind: Text @t6822 to 81010
Club Social Media:
Instagram: @troupe.6822
Tiktok: troupe6822
Twitter: troupe_6822